How to install Achi, create plots and start farming?

How to install Achi, create plots and start farming?


The prerequisite are easy, and they are as follows:

  • - Computer with Linux Ubuntu 20.04 installed. It is recommended to use a newer computer with an SSD.

  • - 250-500 GB SSD disk or greater is required. An SSD is 10x (in read) to 20x times (in write) faster than HDD. External Hard Disk Drive (HDD) larger sizes are better 5 TB - 16 TB. A popular size is 4 TB - 6 TB as it will be cheaper per 1TB than 16 TB - 20 TB. I recommend to use SSD disk as SSD disk will speed-up the process of plots creation. Achi-plotter will create plots on SSD disk and you will copy plots to HDD. As we do not need very fast disk for Achi farming we can use HDD or USB 3.0 drives.

  • - Achi Blockchain software.


# Process of installation is very simple. You need to follow instructions, just copy and paste commands below. Open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and update the package list:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

# Let’s install Git:

sudo apt install git -y

# Checkout the source, install and start Achi:

git clone

cd achi-blockchain


. ./activate

achi init

# Achi is installed and activated. Now you are ready to create your first wallet.

achi keys generate

# Your wallet is ready, please save your 24 mnemonic words. Let’s open your wallet private keys.

achi keys show

# You can see Master public key, Farmer public key, Pool public key and First wallet address. Let’s copy and save these keys, as we need them to create plots for Farming. You need plots to start farming.


# Let’s start farming, Achi will download blockchain first, it will take time:

achi start farmer


# I created special Achi-plotter based on Mad Max to speed-up plotting procees. Let’s install Achi-Plotter and create plots for you.

# Download and extract Achi-plotter:

wget -c -O - | tar -xz

# Move extracted files to our main folder “~/achicoin-blockchain/venv/bin/":

mv achi_plot ./venv/bin/

# I created “” script file to make plotting process more convenient. Change the script specifing your Farmer public key, Pool public key and path to your SSD disk.

# Open script file with “nano” editor:

nano ./venv/bin/

# Write your Farmer public key and Pool public key. In the last line specify path to your SSD disk instead of “/mnt/nvme/”. Double check, if everything is correct press Ctrl+X, press “y” and press Enter. Script file is ready.

# Let’s mount USB or HDD disk where you plan to store your plots. If USB or HDD disk is already mounted, you can skip next 3 commands.

# Create the mount point:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/usb/hdd01

# Let’s change permission to mount point, all can write to the external drive:

sudo chmod 777 -R /mnt/usb/hdd01

# It is recommended to format HDD or USB drive to ext4 file system before plotting. First check what device is used with the disk:

sudo parted -l

# Assuming HDD or USB drive uses the “/dev/sdc1” device, in your case it can be another device. Format disk with ext4:

sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1

# Mount “/dev/sdc1” device to “/mnt/usb/hdd01” directory:

sudo mount -o ro /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb/hdd01

# Next step you need to tell Achi where you store plots. Add plots directory to the list of Achi directories with plots:

achi plots add -d /mnt/usb/hdd01

# Start plotting:

# After Achi-plotter creates plot copy it from SDD ‘/mnt/nvme/’ (in your case it might be another path) to HDD or USB drive ‘/mnt/usb/hdd01’:

cp /mnt/nvme/*.plot /mnt/usb/hdd01

# Congratulations!!! You did it! Read Achipedia posts!