Top Achi Commands

Top Achi Commands

Basic commands:

Starts the farmer, harvester, node, and wallet:

achi start farmer

Restarts the farmer, harvester, node, and wallet:

achi start farmer -r 

Shows summary of the farmer (Farming status, Achi farmed, Number of plots, Expected time to win):

achi farm summary 

Shows status of Achi node:

achi show -s 

Shows status of Achi node connections to other nodes:

achi show -c 

Checks all existing plots:

achi plots check 

Wallet commands:

Generates new wallet:

achi keys generate 

Adds new wallet having 24 mnemonic words:

achi keys add 

Shows master, farmer, pool keys, first wallet address and fingerprint:

achi keys show 

Removes wallet with fingerprint 1234567890:

achi keys delete -f 1234567890

Shows wallet total balance, sync status and walet height:

achi wallet show 

Sends 10000 ACH from current wallet to address ach1RECIPIENT_ADDRESS:

achi wallet send -t ach1RECIPIENT_ADDRESS -a 10000

Gets status of submitted transaction where wallet fingerprint is 1234567890 and transaction id is 0x3db0d34f6fjkhj4kg43kg3hjk54hj

achi wallet get_transaction -f 1234567890 -tx 0x3db0d34f6fjkhj4kg43kg3hjk54hj

Shows 24 mnemonic words of current wallet, master, farmer, pool keys, first wallet address and fingerprint:

achi keys show --show-mnemonic-seed

Plot commands:

Adds new folder with new plots for farming:

achi plots add -d PATH_TO_YOUR_NEW_PLOTS

Shows all added directories with plots:

achi plots show

Removes a plot directory from the configuration

achi plots remove -d PATH_TO_PLOTS

Checks the existing plot files

achi plots check